Is there space for optimism? – GTG #26

There ain't gonna be a song of the post, much rather some wonderful moody dark academia playlist videos which I found on YouTube aka a channel named oliviaalee. Its wonderful and amazing, please do go check it out. Well, first and foremost, I don't drink Green tea as much as I used to, so is... Continue Reading →

INFJ and my life- GTG #20

Listen, a blog post a month is pretty good, okay? I make the rules here, not you! With that being said, I love you and thanks for all the support! Song of the post: Aso by Sun Child (Thanks for the idea Pari boo!) Yes, you read the title right. I am an INFJ. If... Continue Reading →

XIII. wilting innocence

'i understand if you don't want to' his husky breath fans my neck its not that i love him its not that i don't want to either it feels like the end of something innocence? growing? am i finally being an adult? his face comes near mine again i feel the need to have him... Continue Reading →

27)Swathed in Green

Jealous. Possessive. Clingy. You tell me I am all these. You tell me that all I can see is green. You tell me that it is frustrating. I never deny them. But I think you understand. That is why you never want to leave me. I have not blogged in a really long time. Traveling... Continue Reading →

27. silent forevers

I guess the silence between us lasts longer than usual. And it feels like we never talk. But then you bring me coffee when I am annoyed with work. Kissing me when I feel terrible about everything with life Me holding you, while you have one of your silent breakdowns. Our thoughts for each other... Continue Reading →

13. return policy

"What do you think keeps a relationship going? " He was staring at the stars when he asked me this. "Unconditional love?" I reply "Nah..... that ain't it. That is a common answer. Not your answer" He knows me too darn well. Some pondering minutes later "Okay then. A level of understanding so high That... Continue Reading →

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